1. 取消/tmp的执行权限
vi /etc/fstab LABEL=/tmp /tmp ext3 nodev,nosuid,noexec,rw 0 0
3. 其他需要考虑的问题:参见这里。
Install Firewall (APF or CSF Firewall with BFD)
ModSecurity (Web application firewall)
ModEvasive (Prevent DDOS attacks)
Harden SSH server
Fix Open DNS Recursion
Install RKhunter
Install ClamAV (Antivirus)
XInet Servers Hardening (Disable Telnet/Finger or unwanted services)
Securing PHP
PortsEntry (tool to detect portscans)
Harden host.conf (against IP spoofing)
Check User Uploaded files
Secure /tmp Folders (noexec, nosuid)
This article assumes that you have installed a RedHat Enterprise or CentOS and not guaranteed to work, although we have tested on several CentOS 4.5 with success.
The first thing is make sure we have installed the libxml2 library, for it only have to do a search on our system, if installed normally. (XPC Note: Try “yum install libxml2-devel”) 继续阅读install mod_security2 on centos / redhat