
今天我们要开始一段特别的旅程。突破速度的限制,从1米的高度启程,以101 (10米), 102 (10×10 = 100米),  103 (10x10x10 = 1,000米) 这样的速度飞向太空,直到我们想象力的尽头。

This is a trip at high speed, jumping distances by factor of 10. Start with 100 equivalent  to 1 meter, and increasing sizes by factor of 10s ,or 101 (10 meters), 102 (10×10 = 100 meters,  103 (10x10x10 = 1.000 meters), 104 (10x10x10x10 = 10.000 meters), so on, until the limit of our imagination in direction to the macrocosmos.

1. 100 - 1米:在旅程的起点,我们看到林中的一束叶子。
100 – 1 meter:Distance to a bunch of leaves, in the garden

2. 101 - 10米:向上展开旅程,一丛植物。
101 – 10 meter: Start our trip upwards ….  We could see the foliage.

3. 102 - 100米:在这个高度上,整个树林的边缘展现在我们眼前。
102 – 100 meter: At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the edifications

4. 103 - 1公里:10的3次方。现在计量单位换成了公里。在这个高度可以跳伞了。
103 – 1KM: We will pass from meters to kilometers. Now it is possible to jump with a parachute …

5. 104 - 10公里:俯瞰整个城市。但已经看不清房子了。
104 – 10KM: The city could be observed but we really can not see the houses

6. 105 - 100公里:俯瞰美国佛罗里达州
105 – 10KM: At this height, the state  of Flórida – USA, can be seen..

7. 106 - 1000公里:标准卫星视野
106 – 1000KM: Typical sight from a satellite

8. 107 - 10,000公里:北半球以及南美洲的一部分
107 – 10,000KM: The north hemisphere of Earth, and part of South America

9. 108 - 100,000公里:地球开始变小了。
108 – 100,000KM: The Earth starts looking small…

10. 109 - 1百万公里:地球和月球轨道(用白色表示)
109 – 1 million KM: The Earth and the Moon’s órbit in white….

11. 1010 - 1千万公里:地球轨道(以蓝色表示)
1010 – 10 million KM: Part of the Earth’s Orbit in blue

11. 1011 - 1亿公里:金星和地球的轨道
1011 – 100 million KM: Orbits of Venus and Earth…

12. 1012 - 10亿公里:水星,金星,地球,火星及木星轨道
1012 – 1 billion KM: Órbits of: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter.

13. 1013 - 100亿公里:旅行至此,我们可以看到完整的太阳系及行星轨道
1013 – 10 billion KM: At this height of our trip, we could observe the Solar System and the orbits of the planets

14. 1014 - 1000亿公里:太阳系开始变小了
1014 – 100 billion KM: The Solar System starts looking small…

15. 1015 - 1兆公里:太阳不过是数千颗恒星中的一颗。
1015 – 1 trillion KM: The Sun now is a small star in the middle of thousands of stars…

16. 1016 - 1光年:计量单位又换了。再用公里我就快不会数了。太阳很小很小。
1016 – 1 light-year: At one light-year the little Sun star is very small.

17. 1017 - 10光年:在无限的宇宙中,眼前一片茫然。
1017 – 10 light-year: Here we will see nothing in the infinity….

18. 1018 - 100光年:只有星和星云
1018 – 100 light-year: “Nothing” Only stars and Nebulae…

19. 1019 - 1000光年:在这个距离上,我们开始探索整个星系,我们的银河系。
1019 – 1000 light-year: At this distance we started travelling the Via-Láctea (Milky Way), our galaxy.

20. 1020 - 1万光年:继续银河系中的旅行
1020 – 10,000 light-year: We continued our travel inside the Via-Láctea.

21. 1021 - 10万光年:到达银河系的边缘
1021 – 100,000 light-year: We started reaching the periphery of the Via-Láctea

22. 1022 - 100万光年:在这个难以想象的距离上,我们可以看到银河系全貌以及其他星系
1022 – 1 million light-year: At this tremendous distance we could see all the Via-Láctea & other galáxies too…

23. 1023 - 100万光年:在这里所有的星系都显得那么小,空无的空间隔开各个星系。或许我们可以凭借想象力走得更远。但现在我们该回家了。
1023 – 10 million light-year: From this distance, all the galaxies look small with empty spaces in between. We could continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly.


但圣经中说:“自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物,就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。” (罗马书1:20)



Questions that come to our minds …
Who are we? Where are we going? From where did we come from?

Maybe you have your own answer, or maybe these questions is not important to you at all. However,

Bible told us:” Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)

Bible also said:”For this is what the Lord says- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited- he says: ‘I am the Lord , and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:18)

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
(Psalms 19)

We arrived at our starting point. We could reach it with our arms…




  1. 我记得有个绘本叫《有比鲸鱼更大的吗?》,很好玩的,类似于这个。

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